Company name:


Company headquarters

102 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière, 75010 Paris

Telephone number

+33 1 75 43 92 76

Registry in the trade and companies register


Identification number: 753 323 823 R.C.S PARIS

Management number: 2012 B 17949

Registry date: 05 September 2012


15,000 euros

European VAT:


Soyuz Publication director

Mr. Sébastien Bonnefoy

Editorial manager

Mr. Sébastien Bonnefoy


This internet site is hosted by iilyo, 69 Rue Gorge de Loup, 69009 Lyon.

Liability :

The information included on this site is necessarily partial and has no contractual value. EL SUR shall not be held responsible for errors, absence of availability of information, exactitudes, updates, completeness and/or the presence of a virus on its.

Similarly, EL SUR cannot be held responsible in cases of improper usage of the service by the user or in the case of temporary unavailability of the service (cases of force majeure, maintenance periods or technical incidents, as the case may be). It is expressly agreed by the user of this site that in no case can EL SUR SAS be held responsible for damages in any form, direct or indirect, material or immaterial, resulting in particular from the consultation and/or use of this web site and any documents downloaded thereto, such as the use of textual or visual information which may be found and particularly any financial or commercial prejudice, loss of programs or data in his/her computer system.

It is the responsibility of each user to take all appropriate measures in order to protect his/her own data and/or software from contamination caused by viruses encountered on the internet.

By using this site, the user accepts that he/she has read and understood this notice.

Protection of personal data

Personal data collected on this site concerning the internet user cannot be used but the owner of the site. The collection and processing of this information is realised in compliance with the provisions of article 27 of law no. 78-17 (the French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law/“loi Informatique et Liberté”) of 6 January 1978, allowing the user of the site the right of access and correction concerning these data from the publisher of the site by writing to Mr. Sébastien Bonnefoy, 102 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière, 75010 Paris.

The users of this internet site also have the right to oppose the transmission of their personal data to third parties. To exercise this right, users of this website are invited to write to the above-mentioned address.

Users of this site are responsible for respecting the provisions of the law relative to computer hardware, files, and liberties, whose violation is subject to criminal sanctions.

Users must also abstain from, in the case of personal data to which they have access, any collection, any improper use and, in general, any action that may potentially undermine the private life or the reputation of any person(s).


The creation of hypertext links to the internet site is subject to prior agreement by the Director of the publication of the site Hypertext links implemented directing to other internet sites are not the responsibility of the EL SUR company, which exercises no control over these sites.

Intellectual property rights:

The general structure of the internet site as well as the contents diffused therein (including in particular images, articles, photographs, illustrations, distinctive graphics, logos, brands, videos, interviews, sounds et texts, databases) are protected by intellectual property legislation in force in France, notably copyright or related right, trademark, and image rights.

Use of the internet site is only authorised for consultations of an individual nature, excluding any act of exploitation.

These general terms of use do not imply the transfer of any intellectual property rights to the user.

All reproduction rights are reserved, including texts, downloadable documents, and iconographic and photographic representations.

As such, in the absence of the express authorisation of the EL SUR company, it is strictly forbidden to exploit the content of the internet site in particular to reproduce, represent, modify, or adapt this content in whole or in part.

Applicable law

This site is subject to French law.